Orkut Social Media Fail?

In today’s digital age we have seen many social media platforms rise and fall and even now there are so many different social media platforms that it can be hard to keep up with them all. One social media platform that was able to make a splash on the oversaturated internet is Orkut. Now, ifContinue reading “Orkut Social Media Fail?”

Using Social Media to Influence Change

The power of social media when constructing a strong message to raise awareness is undeniable. There have been so many success stories with activism that have made a difference such as Metoo and (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. All of which had a clear message and resulted in awareness and change. However, notContinue reading “Using Social Media to Influence Change”

Weixin App Knows Its Customers

Social media platforms have become the center of communication and connection between communities and businesses. However, when creating a social network it is not enough to just have a platform for communication. There needs to be other features incorporated into the platform in order for it to compete within the social media world. In orderContinue reading “Weixin App Knows Its Customers”

Attention For A Lost Message

What is the most effective way to spread a message, get attention and raise awareness? The answer to that question is social media because it gives users the opportunity to connect with like minded people with the same passions. This is why companies and organizations use social media to spread awareness and create interest inContinue reading “Attention For A Lost Message”

Warby Parker Innovative Social Media Strategy

The eye wear industry is hundreds of years old and the method of selling eye-wear products has been pretty consistent since the beginning of the industry. This sparks the question of how can eye-wear companies take a different approach with sales in such an established industry? After all, changing a person’s habits and perception isContinue reading “Warby Parker Innovative Social Media Strategy”

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